AED Locations v2

by Abletech



AED Locations will quickly locate the nearest AED (Automatic External Defibrillator) to your current location.AED owners have contributed their locations to this New Zealand wide database with the hope of saving lives in their communities. This application allows you to have these life saving locations available on your phone wherever you go.Use the application to plan ahead or have the data at your finger tips when needed most.AED Locations features:Display the AEDs nearest to your current location.Browse the AED locations on the map.Search for AED locations by name or address.Get locations details, contact information and open hours.Use the list view to quickly find a specific location.Easily report information updates and problems.To add your AED to AED Locations please contact [email protected] more information about AED Locations in New Zealand go to Locations is powered by and developed by